Perth High School Scotland
Alex Wasinowicz's School day's
Perth High School
The Class I originally joined in 1972
My 2 best school friends Gary O'Brien 5th from left front row and Ian Mieklejohn, (Meeky) RIP 6th from left front row)
(Against all the odds... and not getting past 3rd year, Alex Wasinowicz returned to PHS as a School Teacher with Distinction )
Valerie Walker (57), a former pupil of Perth High School (PHS) and my "Childhood Sweetheart," sadly passed away peacefully at Perth Royal Infirmary (PRI) on 22 February 2019... and sadly, at the same time as i was passing PRI to teach at PHS. She will for evermore be in my thoughts and my heart for I shall always remember her helping me with my homework and encouraging me to do better at school... I also remember us sharing my desire to become a Boxing champion with an even greater ambition that she spoke so often about during and after our time at school...which was for me to return to Perth High School as a Teacher.... An accomplishment that was achieved 40 years since leaving PHS in 1976... and will forever be treasured.
Alex Wasinowicz
(Dio ti benedica)